About Liberal Arts and Transfer Prep
The Liberal Arts and Transfer Pathway at LATTC supports the general education requirements as part of the A.A. and A.S. degrees as well as the certificates designed for students planning to transfer to either the CSU or UC system (CSU General Education and IGETC).
The Liberal Arts Pathway consists of the following academic departments:

Programs of Liberal Arts
The Associate in Arts in English for Transfer (AA-T) degree will be awarded upon completion of the following:
- Completion of 60 transferable semester units to the California State University
- Obtainment of a minimum grade point average of 2.0 in all transferable coursework.
- Full completion of one the following General education patterns
- The Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum (IGETC), with “C”s or better in all coursework AND completion of Area 1C Oral communication (CSU admission requirement)
- California State University General Education – Breadth Requirements (CSU GE). Areas A1, A2, A3, & B4 must be completed with a grade of “C” or better (CSU admission requirement)
- A minimum of 18 semester units required for the major
- All courses in the major must be completed with a grade of “C” or better or a “P” if the course is taken on a “Pass-No Pass” basis (Title 5 § 55063).
Students who intend to transfer must meet all current IGETC general education transfer requirements including minimum GPA and eligibility for certification. Students are strongly advised to meet with a counselor to discuss transfer requirements and lower division major preparation that is needed for their intended transfer school.
The Associate in Science in Mathematics for Transfer (AS-T) degree will be awarded upon completion of the following.
- Completion of 60 transferable semester units to the California State University
- Obtainment of a minimum grade point average of 2.0 in all transferable coursework.
- Full completion of one the following General education patterns
- The Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum (IGETC), with “C”s or better in all coursework AND completion of Area 1C Oral communication (CSU admission requirement)
- California State University General Education – Breadth Requirements (CSU GE). Areas A1, A2, A3, & B4 must be completed with a grade of “C” or better (CSU admission requirement)
- A minimum of 23 semester units required for the major
- All courses in the major must be completed with a grade of “C” or better or a “P” if the course is taken on a “Pass-No Pass” basis (Title 5 § 55063).