Student Discipline

Forms & Information

Student Discipline Guidelines and Procedures

Dean, Dimitrios Synodinos located in E5-530 or call (213) 806-0184 or email

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Every effort shall be made to resolve the problem informally. No disciplinary action involving disciplinary probation, suspension, suspension of Financial Aid or expulsion shall be taken unless the administrator determines to pursue the matter formally in accordance with board rules and administrative procedures.

However, immediate action is required in certain situations  and the Sheriff’s Office should be immediately notified, at (213) 763-3600

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  1. Notify student verbally to discontinue behavior.
  2. If behavior continues, complete and give student Unsatisfactory Notice Form, available from the Department Chair or Student Services Office.
  3. If the Instructor wants a student to be suspended from class for up to two class periods, the Department Chair should be notified and an Unsatisfactory Notice Form completed. The instructor may suspend the student for the day of the incident and the following class session.
  4. The Department Chair must notify the appropriate Dean of Academic Affairs. A copy of the Unsatisfactory Notice Form must be given to the student, Department Chair, Academic Dean and Discipline Dean.
  5. Students may be referred to meet with the Dean of Discipline prior to returning to class, if the instructor deems it necessary.
  6. Only the Dean of Discipline may initiate suspensions greater than 2 days and expulsions when warranted, with notification to the Vice President of Student Services and the College President.
  7. The College President and Board of Trustees must approve all expulsions.
  8. The Dean of Discipline, along with the Deputy Sheriff, will meet with the student to notify of the nature and length of the suspension or expulsion, provide disciplinary forms, and discuss the hearing processes, as per Administrative Procedure (AP) 5520.

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 The following types of disciplinary action may be taken or pursued by the college:

·       Warning - A verbal or written notice, given to the student by an instructor, Chief Student Services Officer or designee or any college administrator or manager, that continuation or repetition of the specified conduct may be cause for further disciplinary action. The Chief Student Services Officer or designee shall place documentation of this warning in the student file.

·       Reprimand - A written reprimand for violation of specified regulations, prepared by an instructor, Chief Student Services Officer or designee or any college administrator or manager.  The reprimand will be sent to the student by the Chief Student Services Officer or designee, noting that continued violations may result in further disciplinary action.  The Chief Student Services Officer or designee shall place a copy of this reprimand in the student file.

·       Restitution - A letter from the Chief Student Services Officer or designee requesting reimbursement for damages(s) or misappropriation of property will be sent to the student.  One copy of this letter will be placed in the student's file and others will be sent to Chief Business Officer and appropriate administrator(s).  Reimbursement may take the form of appropriate service or compensation for damage(s).  Students failing to provide the required restitution will be barred from subsequent enrollment in the District.

·       Disciplinary Probation - Disciplinary probation may be imposed for violations of the Student Code of Conduct.  Disciplinary probation may be imposed for a period not to exceed one year.  Repetition of conduct resulting in disciplinary probation may be cause for suspension or further disciplinary action.  The Notice of Disciplinary Probation, signed by the Chief Student Services Officer or designee will be placed in the student’s file, and copies will be sent to the appropriate administrator(s), and campus law enforcement.

·       Removal by Instructor - An instructor may remove (suspend) a student from his or her class for the day of the incident and the next class meeting.  During this period of removal, the student shall not return to the class from which he or she was removed without the concurrence of the instructor of the class.

o   If a student is suspended for one class meeting, no additional formal disciplinary action is necessary; however, the faculty member is encouraged to notify the Chief Student Services Officer or designee of this action.

o   If a student is suspended from class for the day of the incident and the next class meeting, the instructor shall send a written report of the action to his department/cluster chairperson, who shall forward it to the appropriate instructional administrator, the Chief Instructional Officer and the Chief Student Services Officer or designee.

o   If the student who is being suspended for two class meetings is a minor, the Chief Student Services Officer or designee shall notify the parent or guardian of the student involved in the incident, and shall hold a conference regarding the suspension as soon as possible with the student, his or her parent or guardian and the faculty member.

o   The instructor may recommend to the appropriate instructional administrator or the Chief Instructional Officer that the student be suspended for longer than two class meetings.  If the instructor, student and appropriate administrator cannot resolve the matter, the matter shall be referred to the Chief Student Services Officer or designee who shall consider further disciplinary action.

o   During the period following the initial suspension from class for the day of the incident and the following class meeting, the student shall be allowed to return to the class until due process and the disciplinary procedures are completed, unless the student is further suspended pursuant to Section (f) below.  Suspension by the instructor shall be considered an excused absence.

·       Immediate Suspension - The Chief Student Services Officer or designee, or any other college administrator, manager or delegated authority may immediately suspend a student from all colleges in the District and District office, acting under an emergency to protect lives or property and/or to ensure the maintenance of order

o   Within twenty-four (24) hours or the next regular work day of the suspension, the administrator, manager or appropriate individual shall send to the Chief Student Services Officer or designee a written report of the suspension.  The Chief Student Services Officer or designee shall send the "Notice of Immediate Suspension with Recommended Disciplinary Action" (Form SD2) to the suspended student, or parent or guardian in the case of a minor, informing the student of his or her right to request a hearing.  A copy of the Notice of Immediate Suspension with Recommended Disciplinary Action (Form SD2) shall be placed in the student's file, and copies of the Notice shall be sent to the President, the Chief Instructional Officer, the area administrator, the Registrar and campus law enforcement.

o   The suspension shall remain in effect until the conclusion of all disciplinary action(s) on this matter.

·       Suspension - The Chief Student Services Officer or designee may:

o   Suspend a student from one or more classes, activities, services, programs, or specific locations on campus for a period of up to ten days with a right to a hearing before the Chief Student Services Officer or designee; or

o   Suspend a student subject to a right to a hearing before a Hearing Committee as provided under AP 5520, Section I.E. for:

§  One or more classes, activities, services, programs, or specific locations for the remainder of the term; or

§  One or more classes, activities, services, programs, or specific locations of the college or District for up to two terms or one academic year.

o   The Chief Student Services Officer or designee shall send the "Notice of Suspension" (Form SD3) to the student and in the case of a minor to the parent or guardian (Education Code Section 76031).

o   The Notice of Suspension shall contain information as to the student's rights and due process, including the student's right to an appropriate hearing based on the length of the proposed suspension.  A copy of the Notice of Suspension shall be placed in the student's file, and copies of the Notice shall be sent to the President, the Chief Instructional Officer, the appropriate administrator, the Registrar and campus law enforcement.

o   The Chief Student Services Officer or designee shall proceed according to the due process and disciplinary procedures as outlined in this Administrative Procedure.

o   The days that the student is suspended may be considered an excused absence provided that the student can make up the required course work missed while suspended.  The instructor of the course shall make that determination.  The Chief Student Services Officer or designee will provide the student’s instructor(s) with a written notice of the suspension.

o   A student suspended for one or more semesters shall be administratively excluded from his or her classes for the semester in which the discipline occurred.  The exclusion shall be effective the date of the suspension.

·       Suspension Subject to Reconsideration - The Chief Student Services Officer or designee may recommend to the College President temporary termination of student status, or the suspension of the student from one or more of the following: 1) classes, 2) activities, 3) services, 4) programs, or 5) specific locations on campus, subject to reconsideration after a specified length of time and with specific grounds for reconsideration.  Reconsideration may be requested by the student only when the time specified by the suspension action has elapsed.  Any premature request for reconsideration will be returned to the former student.  In order to address the reconsideration, the former student must present evidence that he or she has met all the requirements specified for reconsideration.

·       Suspension of Financial Aid - The disciplined student shall be ineligible to receive state financial aid for a period not less than the period for which he or she as a recipient has been suspended pursuant to these procedures.  If the student is not suspended from the college, the student can still be found to be ineligible for state financial aid for a period not to exceed two years, subsequent to a determination by a Hearing Committee, pursuant to these procedures, that a recipient willfully and knowingly disrupted the orderly operation of the campus.

·       Expulsion - Expulsion is the termination of student status for an indefinite period of time.  Upon recommendation by the College President, the Chancellor or designee shall consider the matter, and shall recommend to the Board of Trustees the expulsion of a student for good cause when other means for correction fail to bring about proper conduct, or when the presence of the student causes a continuing danger to the physical safety of the student or others.

o   The Chief Student Services Officer or designee shall send the Notice of Recommended Expulsion to the student or in the case of minor to the parent or guardian.  A copy of the Notice of Recommended Expulsion shall be placed in the student's file, and copies of the Notice shall be sent to the President, the Chief Instructional Officer, the appropriate administrator, the Registrar and campus law enforcement.  Expulsion may be subject to reconsideration after a specified period of time and subject to specifically identified conditions pursuant to BP 5500 Standards of Student Conduct.

o   A student can be expelled from either all colleges in the District, or a specified program (e.g., Nursing) from all colleges in the District.

·       Expulsion Subject to Reconsideration – Expulsion subject to reconsideration is the termination of student status for a definite period of time, subject to reconsideration after a specified length of time and with specific grounds for reconsideration.  Reconsideration may be requested by the student only when the time specified by the expulsion action has elapsed.  Any premature request for reconsideration will be returned to the student.  In order to address the reconsideration, the student must present evidence that he or she has met all the requirements specified for reconsideration.  If the student fails to satisfy the reconsideration requirements, the student remains expelled.

Reference: Administrative Procedure (AP) 5520

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Conduct in all of the Los Angeles Community Colleges must conform to District and college rules and regulations. Violations of such rules and regulations may result in disciplinary action depending on the individual’s status as student, faculty, staff or visitor. Violations of such rules and regulations include, but are not limited to, the following:

  1. Willful disobedience to directions of college officials acting in the performance of their duties.
  2. Violation of college rules and regulations, including those concerning student organizations, the use of college facilities, or the time, place and manner of public expression or distribution of materials.
  3. Dishonesty, such as cheating or knowingly furnishing false information to the colleges.
  4. Unauthorized entry to or use of the college facilities.
  5. Forgery, alteration or misuse of college documents, records or identification.
  6. Obstruction or disruption of classes, administration, disciplinary procedures or authorized college activities.
  7. Theft of or damage to property belonging to the college, a member of the college community or a campus visitor.
  8. The malicious or willful disturbance of the peace or quiet of any of the Los Angeles Community Colleges by loud or unusual noise or any threat, challenge to fight, fight, or violation of any rules of conduct as set forth in this Article. Any person whose conduct violates this section shall be considered to have interfered with the peaceful conduct of the activities of the college where such acts are committed.
  9. Assault or battery, abuse or any threat of force or violence directed toward any member of the college community or campus visitor engaged in authorized activities.
  10. Any possession of controlled substances which would constitute a violation of Health and Safety Code section 11350 or Business and Professions Code section 4230, any use of controlled substances the possession of which are prohibited by the same, or any possession or use of alcoholic beverages while on any property owned or used by the District or colleges of the District or while participating in any District or college-sponsored function or field trip. "Controlled substances," as used in this section, include but are not limited to the following drugs and narcotics:
    1. opiates, opium and opium derivatives
    2. mescaline
    3. hallucinogenic substances
    4. peyote
    5. marijuana
    6. stimulants and depressants
    7. cocaine
  11. Possession, while on a college campus or at a college-sponsored function, of any object that might be used as a lethal weapon is forbidden all persons except sworn peace officers, police officers and other governmental employees charged with policing responsibilities.
  12. Behavior while on a college campus or at a college-sponsored function, inconsistent with the District's Non-discrimination Policy, which requires that all programs and activities of the Los Angeles Community College District be operated in a manner which is free of “Prohibited Discrimination,” defined as discrimination or harassment in violation of state or federal law on the basis of actual or perceived ethnic group identification, race, color, national origin, ancestry, religion, creed, sex (including gender-based sexual harassment), pregnancy, marital status, cancer-related medical condition of an employee, sexual orientation, age, physical or mental disability, or veteran status.
  13. Any assemblage of two or more persons to 1) do an unlawful act, or 2) do a lawful act in a violent, boisterous or tumultuous manner.
  14. Any agreement between two or more persons to perform illegal acts.
  15. A direct or implied expression of intent to inflict physical or mental/emotional harm and/or actions, such as stalking, which a reasonable person would perceive as a threat to personal safety or property. Threats may include verbal statement, written statements, telephone threats or physical threats.
  16. Conduct which may be considered disorderly includes; lewd or indecent attire or behavior that disrupts classes or college activities; breach of the peace of the college; aiding, or inciting another person to breach the peace of college premises or functions.
  17. Theft or abuse of computer resources including but not limited to:
    1. Unauthorized entry into a file to use, read, or change the contents, or for any other purpose.

    2. Unauthorized transfer of a file.

    3. Unauthorized use of another individual's identification and password.

    4. Use of computing facilities to interfere with the work of a student faculty member or college official, or to alter college or district records.

    5. Use of unlicensed software.

    6. Unauthorized copying of software.

    7. Use of computing facilities to access, send or engage in messages which are obscene, threatening, defamatory, present a clear and present danger, violate a lawful regulation and/or substantially disrupt the orderly operation of a college campus.

    8. Use of computing facilities to interfere with the regular operation of the college or district computing system.

  18. Conduct while present on a college campus or at a location operated and/or controlled by the District or at a District-sponsored event, which is prohibited by local, State, or federal law.
  19. Violations of Academic Integrity include, but are not limited to, the following actions: cheating on an exam, plagiarism, working together on an assignment, paper or project when the instructor has specifically stated students should not do so, submitting the same term paper to more than one instructor, or allowing another individual to assume one’s identity for the purpose of enhancing one’s grade.
  20. Every person who, by physical force, willfully obstructs, or attempts to obstruct, any student or teacher seeking to attend or instruct classes at any of the campuses or facilities owned, controlled or administered by the Board of Trustees of the Los Angeles Community College District, is punishable by a fine not exceeding five hundred dollars ($500) or imprisonment in a county jail not exceed one year, or by both such fine and imprisonment. As used in this section, "physical force" includes, but is not limited to, use of one's person, individually or in concert with others, to impede access to or movement within or otherwise to obstruct the students or teachers of the classes to which the premises are devoted.
  21. Every person who attempts to cause, or causes, any officer or employee of any of the Los Angeles Community Colleges or any public officer or employee to do or refrain from doing, any act in the performance of his/her duties, by means of a threat to inflict any injury upon any person or property, is guilty of a public offense.
  22. Every parent, guardian, or other person who assaults or abuses any instructor employed by the District in the presence or hearing of a community college student or in the presence of other community college personnel or students and at a place which is on District premises or public sidewalks, streets, or other public ways adjacent to school premises, or at some other place where the instructor is required to be in connection with assigned college activities is guilty of a misdemeanor.
  23. Conduct which poses a threat of harm to the individual and/or to others. This includes, but is not limited to, the following types of conduct:
    1. Unsafe conduct in connection with a Health Services Program (e.g., Nursing, Dental Hygiene, etc.);
    2. Failure to follow safety directions of District and/or College staff;
    3. Willful disregard of safety rules as adopted by the District and/or College; and/or
    4. Negligent behavior which creates an unsafe environment.

Reference: Board Policy (BP) 5500

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