CSU Associates Degree for Transfer - ADT

What is an ADT?

Associate Degrees for Transfer (ADT) – also known as Associate in Arts for Transfer (AA-T) and Associate in Science for Transfer (AS-T) degrees – are intended primarily for students who plan to transfer into a similar baccalaureate major at a CSU campus. Students who earn an ADT and meet certain CSU admission requirements are guaranteed priority admission to a CSU campus, though not necessarily to a specific campus or major.

Los Angeles Trade College offers the following ADTs:

Planning for an ADT

  1. Plan to earn an ADT at LATTC by following the steps below:
  2. Review the ADT Advisement sheet .
  3. Meet with a LATTC counselor to develop an education plan to support your goal of earning an
  4. ADT. Additionally, you may attend an ADT Workshop to learn more about the ADT.
  5. Review the CSU Admission Requirements for transfer students with your counselor.
  6. If you are also planning to apply to a UC or private institution as well, make sure that your
  7. counselors know so he/she can factor in any additional coursework into your transfer plan.
  8. If you have coursework completed in the U.S. outside of the LACCD district, including AP Exams,
  9. contact all previously attended institutions and request to have those transcripts
  10. sent electronically or by mail to the LATTC Admission and Records Office. NOTE: Processing time may take up to 30 days and may increase during peak seasons.

Apply for an ADT



Apply to CSU during the appropriate application filing period and report your intent to receive the ADT on your CSU Admissions Application, specifying the major and expected completion date.
Check to see if the ADT will be accepted by the CSU campus(es) for your intended major. Also check CSU campus websites for updates.

Transfer Term CSU Priority Application Filing Period ADT Awarded*
Winter June 1 - June 30 by end of summer prior to transfer
Spring August 1 - August 31 by end of summer prior to transfer
Fall October 1 - November 30 by end of spring prior to transfer

(check on campuses accepting applications and transfer limitations)

* Policies differ by campus, so students should check with their CSU campus(es) for ADT completion deadlines. The ADT Verification is usually required - see STEP 3. Students awarded the ADT after the specified term should check with CSU for possible graduation benefits.

Note: Most campuses require completion of the minimum CSU admission requirements (including 60 CSU transferable units, 2.0 CSU transferable GPA, the "Golden Four" courses: Oral Communication, Written Communication, Critical Thinking, Mathematics/Quantitative Reasoning, and at least 30 semester units of general education courses with grades of "C-" or better) by the summer before winter/spring transfer and by spring before fall transfer.

ALL OTHER STUDENTS (those not transferring to CSU): Only STEP #2 below is required. Your ADT application will be processed in the same time frame as other LATTC AA/AS degrees.

Step 2

Meet with a LATTC counselor to file an ADT Graduation Application. For most majors we recommend filing for the degree one at the beginning of the last semester of course degree completion. If you have coursework from outside LACCD, be sure ALL transcripts are on file and have been evaluated by LATTC before applying for the ADT.

The ADT-verification process is a means by which California Community Colleges can verify their students' ADT progress towards degree completion to help CSU campuses appropriately apply ADT benefits when reviewing admission applications. To receive ADT admission benefits, your ADT Graduation Application must be submitted by the following deadlines:

  • For winter/spring transfer: many CSU campuses require completion of the ADT by the end of summer to receive admission benefits so you should plan accordingly and submit your ADT Graduation Application early summer (July). The ADT awarded will be posted to your transcript which will verify degree completion.
  • For fall transfer: most CSU campuses require completion of the ADT by the end of spring for fall to potentially receive admission benefits. You must submit your ADT Graduation Application by February to meet CSU's verification deadline.

Step 3

Follow all instructions provided by CSU and LATTC and request to have your official transcript(s) sent to CSU by the posted CSU deadline(s). You may be required to submit your transcripts more than once. Transcript request.

The ADT awarded will be noted on your LATTC College transcript. CSU will reference your official LATTC College transcript to verify degree completion.

After Applying

Check your email & CSU student portal(s) on a regular basis. CSU and LATTC may send you important and time-sensitive messages regarding your ADT, verification and grad application.
DISCLAIMER: The final responsibility for successful transfer rests with the student. The information posted on this website is designed to assist students in obtaining the most accurate transfer-related information possible. However, this information is subject to change without notice, which may subsequently impact admission to a transfer college or university.

Students are encouraged to meet as early as possible in their academic careers and periodically with a LATTC counselor to develop and maintain Student Education Plan and with a transfer college or university admissions representative to confirm their choice of classes.

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