Support Services

DSPS determines reasonable accommodations on a case by case basis, by reviewing the disability verification documentation and an interactive process with each student. Following are some of the supportive services which may be approved as reasonable accommodations, depending on the nature of the student's educational limitations.

General Services

  • Academic Accommodation Authorizations
  • Priority Registration
  • Test Accommodations
  • Counseling Advisement
  • Arrangements for Note-taker
  • Record Class Lectures
  • Referrals (on/ off campus support)
  • Sign Language Interpreting Services
  • Student Educational Plan
  • Closed Captioning
  • Disability Management
  • Liaison with college faculty and staff
  • Assistive Learning Lab

DSP&S is working to ensure accommodations are being met during the transition of moving classes to an online platform.

Students approved for alternate formats (e.g. Braille, audio), you must submit requests via email to Alternative Media Specialist, Budi Prasetia at @email

  • Students approved for Kurzweil will be able to utilize the program remotely through Kurzweil Firefly. Google Docs Voice Typing, Speechnotes, Apple Dictation, and Windows Speech Recognition are all free speech-to-text programs available for use.
  • If you have any questions contact alternative Media Specialist, Budi Prasetia at @email

  • Zoom-in features are available through various keyboard shortcuts.
  • Zoom Keyboard Shortcuts
  • Free Zoom scripts for older versions of JAW

  • Interpreting and captioning services will continue to be provided for students approved for this accommodation. ConferZoom training for students who are Deaf and Hard of Hearing (DHH) will be available soon.
  • If you have any question contact Senior Sign Language Interpreter, Latricia Jones via email @email

For most online teaching modalities that include a written record, such as PowerPoint, Word Docs, and Canvas discussion boards, note-taking may not be necessary. Instructors may post their own lecture notes in lieu. Students approved for notetaking will be able to audio record online instruction, particularly live conference videos.

DSP&S is working collaboratively with faculty to ensure extended time is met. Faculty interactive guides will discuss how to extend testing time for students with the approved accommodation through canvas.

If you have any questions regarding your approved accommodations contact your DSPS Counselor.


Counselors meet with students to determine proper academic accommodations based on students disability. They also develop comprehensive student educational plans for students in DSP&S.

DSPS Counselors

Priority Registration

DSPS Students are eligible for priority registration (early registration) and special accommodation in the registration process. Please see DSPS Counselor to discuss need(s).


Sign language interpreting services is available for deaf students upon request. Services must be requested in advance. Please make an appointment with a DSPS Counselor.

Testing Accomodation

DSPS Students may be eligible for test proctoring services. Please discuss with DSPS Counselor to verify your are eligibility.

DSPS High-Tech Lab

Located in DSPS Center(Student Support Center, D3-100), the lab is equipped with accessibility software and hardware.
Listed below are the software/hardware.

  1. Kurzweil 3000
  2. Dragon Naturally Speaking
  3. JAWS
  4. Zoomtext screen (magnifier/reader)
  5. WinBraille paired with Index (Braille embosser)