Office of the Ombudsperson


(Administrative Procedure (AP 5530)

The purpose of Administrative Procedure 5530 is to provide students a prompt and equitable means for resolving student(s) grievances. The grievance procedure may be initiated by one or more students who reasonably believe he/she/they have been subject to unjust action or denied rights involving their status or privileges as students. It is the responsibility of the student(s) to submit proof of alleged unfair or improper action. Grievances pertaining to grades are subject to the CA Education Code Section 76224(a). Administrative Procedure 5530 specifically states:

  1. The role of the Ombudsperson is that of a facilitator of the grievance process, and not that of an advocate for either the Grievant(s) or Respondent(s). Each college shall have an Ombudsperson.
  2. The Ombudsperson shall provide information to Grievant(s) and Respondent(s) concerning the grievance procedures at any stage in the grievance process.
  3. The Ombudsperson may collect information, documents and records pertinent to the case.
  4. The Ombudsperson may hold and facilitate meetings and discussions that may lead to a resolution of the grievance.
  5. The Ombudsperson may train the Student Advocates prior to the Student Advocates assuming the duties of the position.
  6. The Ombudsperson shall sit with the Grievance Hearing Committee and may answer questions upon request but shall not serve as a member or vote.
  7. During the formal hearing stage of the grievance process, the Ombudsperson shall coordinate the preparation and conduct of the Grievance Hearing, including providing in-service training to committee members on hearing procedures and operation.
  8. The Ombudsperson shall ensure that the entire grievance process is conducted in an orderly, fair and respectful manner. The Ombudsperson shall have the authority to exclude from the hearing any individuals who fail to conduct themselves in an orderly, fair and respectful manner.
  9. The Ombudsperson shall be responsible for audio recording the Hearing and arranging for safe storage of the grievance file including the audio recording(s) and documents, for a period not less than seven (7) years.
  10. The Ombudsperson, shall assist the Grievant(s) in understanding the grievance procedures, filing the appropriate forms, meeting all the time lines of these procedures, communicating with college employees and officials and participating in the hearing process. (See Section 10 for non–student advocate options)

Office Hours and Location

Mondays to Thursdays: 8:30AM – 3:00PM
Fridays: Virtual-9:00AM-2:00pm
(Or by appointment)
Closed holidays and weekends

Administration/Services Building, E5-532


Dimitrios Synodinos
Dean, Student Life
Phone: (213) 763-7201