Counseling & Advisement

Education & Career Planning

Our academic counselor will guide you to set a clear path for your education. Meeting with a counselor assures that your educational journey is a success. Every semester before a student registers for classes, he/she should meet with the International Student Counselor to complete an educational plan for the current semester. We offer several pathways in Career & Technical Education (CTE) as well as transfer paths to four-year institution. Here are some helpful links:

LATTC Academic Connections
LATTC University Transfer Center
Assist - Articulation agreements between California Community Colleges with and University of California (UCs) and California State Universities (CSUs).

Career Planning

Are you undecided with your major or want to explore different careers? College is the time to explore and start planning for your dream career. Click on the links below to learn about various majors and careers:
Bureau of Labor Statistics
O*Net OnLine