Rentals & Reservations

Open Employee Intranet Site

Events Announcements Submit Request

The Facility Use Request System

  • Rent facilities for private use
  • Reserve facilities for College use

Conference/Training rooms are reserved through the Conference/Training Room Request form (employees only).

This website contains information regarding both the internal use and public rentals of all college facilities.

The facilities use area works under direction of the Physical Plant department.  We are responsible for arranging rental of college facilities and coordinating the rentals with various campus groups (custodial, grounds, athletics, food, media and sheriff’s services) with outside organizations, as well as coordinating logistics for all-college sponsored events.

Filming and Media Shoots

For filming and photography shoots, please contact the contact Rafael Salazar at 213-763-3617


Rafael Salazar
Event Coordinator
Phone: 213-763-3617